Water or sports drink: which is better for cyclists, mountain bikers and runners?

Water or sports drink: which is better for cyclists, mountain bikers and runners?

Mon 17 May 2021 by Lianne Van den Bosch

For endurance athletes such as cyclists, mountain bikers and runners, a good fluid balance is of great importance for a good performance. What should you drink: water or sports drink? Water alone is not enough and contains too little electrolytes and energy. Listed below are some tips in order to hydrate well, because a good sports drink can save your day.

The 5 major benefits of a hypotonic sports drink

Read more about the advantages of sports nutrition for cyclists and runners here.

5 tips on how to hydrate well

  1. Make sure you drink enough beforehand so you start well hydrated (but again, not too much!).
  2. Take a hypotonic sports drink, it is less concentrated and kinder to the stomach.
  3. Take Maxim Sports Drink, which is hypotonic and contains lots of electrolytes and carbohydrates.
  4. Drink big gulps; that’s better for your digestion.
  5. Drink about 500-750 mL of sports drink per hour. Leave the water for the fish, it contains too little nutrients!

Read more about Sports Nutrition and Cycling and Sports Nutrition and Running here.

Read more about the differences between sports drinks here.

The sports nutrition plan for a long training or tour

Long training or tour: sports nutrition plan for endurance athletes

hypotone sportdrank sportdrank water
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